Fake Ally Runners & Ponurzy Żniwiarze Union
Takie niby nic...
Nie mogłem się oprzeć przystawce:
The following fleets have fought a battle on xx/xx/xxxx at xx:xx:xx:
«Attacker»: Fercik VS «Defender»: Psycho
Cargo Vessel SL-25: 250
Imperial Cruiser: 200
Large Shield Generator: 4
Laser Phalanx: 88
EMP: 6
Espionage Probe: 10
Gauss Cannon: 7
Small Shield Generator: 8
Cargo Vessel SL-250: 76
Gatling Cannon: 3
Plasma Cannon: 3
Solar Satellite: 20
Round 3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------->
Cargo Vessel SL-25: 244
Imperial Cruiser: 198
Battle report:
Losses attacker: 192,000 +
88,000 = 280,000 Total
Losses defender: 3,763,200 +
1,388,800 = 5,152,000 Total
Debris in orbit: 1,315,680 +
477,120 = 1,792,800 Total
The attacker has won the battle.
Stolen resources: 3,045,211 +
1,647,241 +
373,877 = 5,066,329 Total
Lost ships and defenses:
Cargo Vessel SL-25: 6
Imperial Cruiser: 2
Debris: 1,578,816 +
572,544 Found /
1,578,816 +
572,544 Collected
1. 1,827,228 +
988,404 +
224,344 = 3,039,976 Total
A teraz deser:
The following fleets have fought a battle on xx/xx/xxxx at xx:xx:xx:
«Attacker»: Fercik VS «Defender»: Psycho
Cargo Vessel SL-25: 1,500
Imperial Cruiser: 400
Small Recycler: 120
Large Shield Generator: 4
Laser Phalanx: 88
EMP: 6
Gauss Cannon: 7
Small Shield Generator: 8
Cargo Vessel SL-250: 308
Gatling Cannon: 3
Plasma Cannon: 3
Voyager: 1
Carrier Ship: 2
Solar Satellite: 4
Round 3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------->
Cargo Vessel SL-25: 1,489
Imperial Cruiser: 398
Battle report:
Losses attacker: 227,000 +
103,000 = 330,000 Total
Losses defender: 15,843,200 +
5,686,800 = 21,530,000 Total
Debris in orbit: 5,555,930 +
1,986,670 = 7,542,600 Total
The attacker has won the battle.
Stolen resources: 19,189,563 +
985,168 +
10,537,382 = 30,712,113 Total
Lost ships and defenses:
Cargo Vessel SL-25: 11
Imperial Cruiser: 2
Debris: 6,667,116 +
2,430,624 Found /
6,667,116 +
2,430,624 Collected
1. 10,059,607 +
516,510 +
5,523,881 = 16,099,998 Total
2. 4,592,427 +
235,822 +
2,521,749 = 7,349,998 Total
3. 2,249,348 +
115,557 +
1,235,094 = 3,599,999 Total
Total earnings: 49,209,316 +
7,491,870 +
20,416,327 = 77,117,513 THX!
Generated with help of MadAndDorks Beautifier by Cosmo[MaD]. IT EN FR PL DE ES
Now i'm FAR away...